2024 Nigerian Navy Basic Training School Recruitment

The Nigerian Navy (NN), a branch of the Nigerian Armed Forces invites applications from qualified Nigerians for special enlistment into the Nigerian Navy Basic Training School (NNBTS) Batch 37 within the following capacities below:
1.) Health Technicians (Physiotherapy) 2.) Driver / Mechanic 3.) Ordnance Personnel 4.) Imam Assistant 5.) Health Technician (Pharmacy) 6.) Caterer 7.) Chaplain Assistant 8.) Health Technician (Medical Records Assistant / Health Information Management) 9.) Store Assistant 10.) Health Technician (Medical Laboratory) 11.) Educator 12.) Nurse 13.) Journalist 14.) Project Technician 15.) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologist 16.) Electrical Technician 17.) Mason 18.) Plumber 19.) Carpenter 20.) Tailor 21.) Painter 22.) Medical Assistant 23.) IT Personnel 24.) Health Technician (Dispensing Optician) 25.) Automobile Mechanic (AM) 26.) Weapon Electrical Mechanics (WEM) 27.) Welder 28.) Health Technician (Dental Surgery Assistant / Dental Health) 29.) Marine Engineer Mechanic (MEM) 30.) Aircraft Engineering Artificer – Avionics & Aircraft Electrics, Electrical / Electronics (AEA-AA/EEE) 31.) Health Technicians (Biomedical Engineering) 32.) Aircraft Engineering Artificers (Airframe Engine) 33.) Shipwright Artificer (SHIPA) 34.) Weapon Electrical Artificers (WEA) 35.) Marine Engineer Artificer (MEA) 36.) Fireman 37.) Sportsman and Sportswoman 38.) Seaman 39.) Health Technician (Medical Imaging / X-Ray) 40.) Survey Recorder 41.) Communication Officer 42.) Health Technician (Environmental Health) 43.) Bandsman 44.) Writer 45.) Physical Training Instructor How To Apply For more details for each postion including how to apply, please click HERE to visit the Navy Portal. Application Closing Date |