MURIC Accuses GOTv of Forcing Nigerian Muslims To Be Christians

The international cable television network, GOTV, has received a warning from the Muslim Rights Concern, or MURIC, asking it to cease broadcasting the Christian televangelism program Faith on its main channel.
Professor Ishaq Akintola, the Executive Director of MURIC, signed a statement on Friday that said the decision was “offensive, nauseating, and denigrating” to Muslims in Nigeria.
A press release claims that the Christian televangelism-focused Faith program has taken over the top channel on GOTV, which was previously occupied by advertisements for other shows.
Regardless of their religious views, MURIC contends that this shift compels viewers to automatically watch Christian content when they switch on their televisions.
According to the organization, this practice amounts to “religious apartheid” since it forces Christian religious content on the Muslim populace.
According to MURIC, GOTV’s decision to highlight Faith on such a well-known channel violates Muslim viewers’ rights by denying them the freedom to choose television shows without being forced to watch objectionable religious content.
According to the group, this practice is unfair to Muslims in the nation and causes division.
Given this circumstance, MURIC has requested that GOTV immediately move the Faith program to a new channel and return the first channel to its pre-crisis state.
They also cautioned that they might think about taking nonviolent measures, like asking Muslims to stop attending the service, if their request is not met in a week (by December 9, 2024).
“Meanwhile, MURIC appeals to Nigerian Muslims to continue to exercise patience and to remain peaceful and calm. We must not give in to provocation, lawlessness and violence.
“The law is on our side and we have the right to reject a service provider that has no respect for our faith or for its Muslim customers.
“GOTV will also do better by returning to its original practice whereby the last station watched by consumers opens immediately they switch on their television sets.
“Nigerians are going through enough stress and GOTV has no right to escalate tension in the nation’s anatomy,” the statement concluded.