How A Troop Of Monkeys Saved A 6 Year Old Girl From Rape

Luck reportedly smiled on a 6 Year old girl when a troop of Monkeys saved her from being raped.
The incident happened in Doula village, India as the Man lured the little girl into an abandoned building.
According to the girl’s parents, the man took off the young victim’s clothes and tried to rape her, but he was interrupted by several monkeys who caused him to flee.
Upon retuning home, the terrified girl told her parents that the monkeys ‘saved her’ from the man, the Times of India reports.
While speaking with local media, her father said: ‘My daughter would have been dead by now if the monkeys had not intervened.’
My daughter was playing outside when the accused took her away,’ the father added. ‘He also threatened my child that he would kill me.’
CCTV footage reportedly showed the Man walking down a narrow lane while holding the the little girl’s hand.
Meanwhile, the Police said investigation into the alleged attempted rape has been opened, but the unidentified man is still on the run.
Didactic Information Hut reports that Indian has been continually recording deadly rape incidents, some of which has received viral global outrage anf condemnation.