Donald Trump Wins US Presidential Election, Defeats Kamala Harris

Republican candidate Donald Trump has won the U.S. presidential election, surpassing the magic number of 270 votes.
With his victory in Wisconsin, candidate Trump now has 276 Electoral College votes, crossing the threshold needed to win the White House.
Democrat Kamala Harris now has 219 votes and is preparing for her upcoming surrender speech.
Trump has turned several blue states red and defeated Harris in several battleground states.
The Republican standard bearer will return to the White House after serving as the 45th president from 2017 to 2021.
‘This was a move like no one had ever seen before. We overcame obstacles that no one would have thought possible,’ Trump said before the networks called the election.
‘Every day, I fight for all of you with every fiber of my being. I will not rest until we have the strong, safe, and prosperous America our children deserve. This will truly be America’s Golden Age.
‘We will heal this nation. This country needs help. We will repair our borders, we will repair all of our country. We made history tonight for a reason.”
Trump made immigration, the economy, and border security the premise of his campaign. On these topics, he repeatedly labeled Democrats as “weak.”